Terms & Conditions

Specific Terms for Parcels

Services range and characteristics

  •  xtreebd.com executes domestic and national courier services. Courier services are non-universal postal services, defined in the Postal Services Law.
  • xtreebd.com delivers services, to users from all settlements on the region of Bangladesh.
  • Orders are taken from Saturday to Friday, and xtreebd.com is executed its parcels and stuffs to be delivered in the same business day.

Types of shipments:

  • Letter: Written message on any media, inserted in an xtreebd.com card envelope.
  • Document: Written messages or printed materials (which do not fit in an xtreebd.com card envelope).
  • Non-document: Shipments with defined dimensions and weight, usually containing items.
  • Non-document shipments may be cash-on-delivery or not, depending on the sender.
  • There are limits of the number of packages in a multi-package shipment, its maximum 10.
  • Size and weight limits:

    • The maximum weight of a single package for domestic shipment: 1-2 kg.
    • The maximum length of a single package: 15 inches
    • The maximum width and girth: 12 inches
    • Price is determined based on the general actual weight or the general dimensional weight of all

    packages in the shipment, whichever is greater. Dimensional weight is determined using the

    following formula: xtreebd.com reserves the right to weight and calculate over again every package, to confirm calculations.

1 Introduction

1.1  These specific terms apply to the parcel products set out in Appendix  A.

1.2  These specific terms (including all appendices) form part of your agreement with us, which is made up of:

1 our general terms;

2 the additional terms (including the user guide); and

3 the price confirmation letter.

1.3  If  these  specific terms  contradict the general  terms  or the operational  terms  described in the general  terms,  these specific terms will apply.

2 Definitions

2.1  You may not be familiar with some of the words or phrases  we use in this document. When they are used for the first time they are explained in the relevant part of this document, in the following section or in the general terms.

3 All parcel products

Features and options of parcel products

3.1  The features  and options available for the parcel products including the size and weight limits on items which you can post with each of the individual parcel products are set out in Appendix B.

Your duties

3.2  You must keep to the requirements of the general terms, these  specific terms,  the user guide, the price confirmation letter and any other document referred to in any of these documents.

3.3  You or your agent must make sure that:

1 each  package contains  only parcels, large  letters,  Same Day Service items which are the same class or delivery speed; and

2 each package is presented  separately from any of our other products.

3.4  You or your agent  can make  more  than  one  package at  the  same  time if  each  package keeps to the  terms  of the agreement.

3.5  You or your agent must ensure  that each package comes with the appropriate documents  as set out in the user guide and is presented  to us in line with the general terms.

3.6  Your items will either be collected by us from your site or must be handed over to us by you at a Xtree location that we agree with you.

Delivering your items

3.7  The delivery speed on Appendix B will apply to each of the parcel products:

3.8  Pre-advice

3.9  If we ask you for pre-advice, you must give us the pre-advice for each package you hand over no later than the time we agree with you. The pre-advice must list, among other things, each item in the package and its weight, and those items that require a signature or SMS/email notification.

3.10 We will not be responsible to you if the pre-advice  is inaccurate. If you hand over items which are not listed  in the pre-advice,  we can either  accept those  items and charge  you for these  additional  items or return  them  to you and charge you the return  to sender charge set out in the price confirmation letter.

3.11 We will aim but do not guarantee to notify you when we identify any item listed on the pre-advice  that we have not received.

How your items should be labelled and addressed

3.12 You must ensure that your items are:

1 correctly labelled and addressed in line with clauses, the user guide

2 clear addressing guide; and packaged in line with our wrapping and packaging guidelines.


Forecasting- your package plans and what you need to tell us

3.14 If you or your agent expect to hand over an exceptional package you must provide the following information:

1 the format and size of each item contained in the package;

2 the average weight of the items in the package; and

3 the destination the items in the package are going to.



3.15 We may agree to provide you with reports. If we do, we may charge you for these reports.   We will not deliver these reports until you and we have agreed such charge.

3.16 If  we give you reports  in  line  with clause 3.15  of these  specific terms,  you, your employees and  agents  may have access to, receive, or the report may contain in it, confidential information.  You and your employees and your agents must not publish or disclose the reports  or any information contained in the reports  to others or authorize or permit your employees or anyone else to copy, publish or disclose them to others without our express prior written approval. You agree to pay us for any costs (including legal fees), expenses, claims, losses, damages  and awards we have to pay because you have not kept to this clause 3.16.

3.17 If we agree to provide you with reports you must give us pre-advice at such times as we agree with you.  We will not be responsible or have any liability to you, for the accuracy or content of any pre-advice you provide.

3.18 You agree that all rights, title and interest in the reports belong to us. We will give you or your agent the right to use the reports for purposes related to this agreement only. You agree that your right to use the reports will come to an end immediately if you do not keep to the terms of this agreement.  We reserve the right to withdraw the provision of this right at any time on giving you notice.

3.19 We will not be responsible, or have any liability to you, for the accuracy or content of any reports provided to you in line with clause 3.15.

3.20 We may withdraw the provision of the reports at any time, without giving you prior notice.

Restricted materials

3.21 Subject to the general terms, the restricted materials detailed in clause 3.23 may only be sent:

3.21.1  using T-20, T-50, T-100 and Off Day Package; and

3.21.2  provided you comply with the terms, restrictions and requirements set out in the user guide, and at www.xtreebd.com (or such replacement URLs).

3.22 For the avoidance of doubt, you may not send such items:

3.22.1 using T-20 package;

3.22.2 using T-50 package;

3.22.3 using T-100 package;

3.22.4  if you do not comply with the terms, restrictions and requirements  set out in the user guide, and at www.xtreebd.com

3.23 The restricted materials for the purpose of clause 3.22 are as follows:

3.23.1 aerosols for personal grooming or medicinal purposes;

3.23.2 alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content less than 70% ABV but greater  than 24% ABV;

3.23.3 perfumes and aftershaves;

3.23.4 nail varnish and nail polish;

3.23.5  lithium ion  and  lithium polymer  or  lithium metal  and  lithium  alloy batteries  when  sent  in  and  with equipment;

3.23.6  electronic items including lithium batteries  of any kind when the batteries  are sent with or installed in the electronic item; and

3.23.7 prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes.

3.24 Subject to the  general  terms,  the  following restricted  materials  may be sent using Xtree packages,  if  you comply, and you ensure  that  any customers,  agents or other parties using the parcel products on your behalf comply, with all of the terms,  restrictions and requirements  set  out in the user  guide.

1 lithium ion and lithium polymer or lithium metal and lithium alloy batteries when sent in equipment; and

2  electronic  items  including lithium batteries   of  any  kind when  the  batteries  are  sent  installed  in  the electronic item.


3.25 You will indemnify and keep indemnified us, our employees, sub-contractors and agents against any loss or damage suffered or liability incurred as a result of a person package a return item in breach of clause 3.24.

3.26 The user guide also sets out:

1 consignment restrictions;

2 packaging and labeling requirements;

3 volume, size or quantity restrictions; and

4 the number of receptacles per consignment.

3.27 If  we do not have a return  name  and address  for items we cannot  deliver  that  are  restricted  materials  and/or  the items do not keep to the restrictions  referred  to in the user  guide,  we may dispose of such items locally.

3.28 You must  notify us of the profile and/or  volume of restricted  materials  you are  package or intend to post using  the parcel products listed in clause 3.29.1 and you must advise us if this profile and/or volume changes at any time.

3.29 The recipient may redirect restricted material to another location or return  it to you provided that the recipient uses a service which permits the restricted material to be posted.

3.30 To make sure  that  you are  keeping to this agreement we may audit your internal  processes  in the  preparation  of packages containing restricted materials if we consider it necessary to do so.

3.32 Nothing in clauses limits your responsibilities or our rights under the general terms.

3.33 We may vary the charges by giving you at least 30 days’ notice if any of the following change during the term of the agreement:

1 the profile of your packages; or

2 the average weight of your packages; or

3  the average size of your items; or

4  the number of items you hand over.

3.34 If you do not post any items within 60 days of this agreement,  we will recalculate the initial charges  set out in the price confirmation letter applying the prevailing tariff when you first post.

3.35 We may vary the charges immediately on giving you notice if we are required to by law.

3.36 We may vary the charges on giving you 30 days’ notice in exceptional circumstances that substantially affect the cost to us of providing the parcel products.

3.37 If we have agreed to collect packages from you and you request  extra collections, we may charge you extra for each such extra collection. The extra charge will be agreed between you and us before we make any extra collections and will be based on the actual costs incurred by us in making such extra collections.

3.38 If we are entitled to charge you an additional amount in relation to any of the parcel products and you have provided your debit or credit card details to us, we may choose to take such additional amount  from such debit or credit card and you consent to us doing so.

Liabilities and compensation

3.39 We will not be liable for any item if you, the owner of the item or anyone acting on their behalf have been fraudulent or dishonest in any way in respect of that item.  We will not be liable for any item where any person misrepresents their authority to receive an item on the intended recipient’s behalf or on your behalf.

3.40 We may be required to carry out security checks of items. This may involve X-ray screening, decompression or in exceptional circumstances,  the opening of an item  which fails any of the security checks. We will have no liability to you for any claims  resulting from any loss, damage  or delay to your items as a result  of carrying out the security checks even if such loss, delay or damage  arises from our negligence. All guarantees set out in these specific terms may be suspended and related compensation claims refused if we are required to open an item which fails any of the security checks.

3.41 xtreebd.com will not bear any liabilities if any loss or damage or missing occurs arising out of accident beyond control and in such cases the sender or the receiver cannot claim any compensation.

3.42 Any accident occurs in road due to strike or hartal for which the dispatch of the booked products may be delayed in such cases xtreebd.com will not be liable for any loss or damage or missing or breakage.

3.43 Any items that may cause damage other items or good cannot be taken for carrying by xtreebd.com and violation of which xtreebd.com will no bear the loss or damage or breakage or all liabilities will  go to the consignee only.

3.44 xtreebd.com reserves the right to inspect or verify any consignment before taking.

3.45 No complaints will be acceptable after the expiry of 30 days of missing or damage.

3.46 At the time of delivery the receiver must satisfy itself about the receiver of consignment in good condition and the no complaints will be received afterwards.

3.47 xtreebd.com will pay any compensation for any loose or damage or missing of any consignments, if proved due to negligence on the part of the xtreebd.com and in such cases the actual worth of Products(without profit) will be paid to the consignee.

Ending the agreement

3.48 In addition to the termination rights set out in the general terms, we can end this agreement  by giving you at least 30 days’ notice if:

1 you do not meet  the minimum package requirements for your parcel products as set out in clauses of this guide  measured  over each period of 12  months  following  the date  we start  to provide any parcel products  to you, or if  it becomes  clear to us  that  you will not  meet  those minimum package levels in that 12 month period. In exercising this right, we will take account periods when you cannot make packages for any reason; or

3.49 If we receive items after we have ended this agreement,  we can either return  such item to you and charge to you the return  to sender  charge set out in the price confirmation letter or we can deliver those items in accordance with this agreement  and we will charge you at the rates set out in the price confirmation letter.

Delivering your items

4  We will aim but do not guarantee to deliver your items by the delivery times all packages if any untoward incident happens. Signed For option and proof of delivery option

4.1 You can send packages using our Signed For option, as long as they meet the terms  set out in clauses 4.4 – 4.9 and you pay the extra charges.

4.2 You or your agent must apply a fully completed Signed For label securely to the cover of the item to be sent using the


Signed For option in the manner and position specified by us in the user guide.

4.3 When we deliver an item sent using the Signed For option, the intended recipient or their representative must sign for it.

4.4 You may request proof of delivery. This service is available up to 3 months after the date the item was posted.   Subject to clause 4.4, if we are unable to provide proof of delivery and cannot otherwise prove that the recipient of the item refused to provide a signature on delivery then you may ask us for a refund of the Signed For option fee.

4.5 You can obtain proof  of   delivery from our office for 03 months after the date of package.

Minimum package requirements

5 T-20 pickups for 20 items each month from each of the sites we agree with you.

5.1 T-50 pickups for 50 items each month from each of the sites we agree with you..

5.2 T-100 pickups for 100 items each month from each of the sites we agree with you.

Delivering your items

6.1 We will aim but do not guarantee to deliver your packages if occurrence of an untoward incident

Items we cannot deliver

6.2 If the “Items we cannot deliver” section of the general terms  applies we will take the item back to our local  premises.

If we return items to you which remain uncollected we will charge you for returning  such items to you or your agent

(as specified on the return  label) at the rates set out in the price confirmation letter.

Tracking your items

6.3 You can  track  the  status  of items  sent  using  our  tracked  products  at www.Xtree.com  If you have an online business account with us, we will give you access to our generic track and trace reports  and general  management reports,  subject to that  website being available. 

6.4 We may from time to time at our discretion, provide you with status information regarding items which you send using our tracked products. We reserve the right to withdraw the provision of status information at any time, without giving you prior notice.

6.5 You agree that all rights, title and interest in the status information belong to us. We will give you and your agent the right to use the status information for the purpose of tracking your items only. You agree that  your right to use the status  information will come to an end immediately if you do not keep to the terms of this agreement.  We reserve the right to withdraw the provision of this right at any time on giving you notice.

6.6 We will not be responsible or have any liability to you, for the accuracy of any reports  or status  information provided to you by us.

How your items should be labeled and addressed

7 You must ensure that each item has a clear return address on the outside packaging. If you do not do this we may not process such items and we may return such items to you or you may be required to collect them from us at your own cost.

Duration of Coverage:

The insurance is initiated as soon as E-Courier picks up the package to initiate delivery from the person booking the package. The insurance coverage will be continuous through the journey of the package until it reaches its final destination/recipient.


1. Loss, damage, or expense attributed to willful misconduct of the assured

2. Ordinary leakages, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of insured goods

3. Loss, damage, or expenses caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packaging or preparation of insured goods

4. Loss, damage, or expense caused by delay, even though the delay caused by a risk insured against

5. Loss, damage, or expense caused by inherent vice of nature of the subject matter insured.

6. Loss, damage, or expense caused by:

a) War, civil war, revolution, rebellion. Insurrection or civil strike arising there from any hostile act by or against a belligerent power

b) Capture, seizure, arrest restraint or detainment and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat

c) Derelict mines bombs or other derelict weapons of war.

7. In no case shall the insurance cover loss, damage, or expense:

a) Caused by strikers, locked out workmen or persons taking part in labor disturbances, riots or civil commotion

b) Resulting from strikes, lockouts, labor disturbances, riots, or civil commotions

c) Caused by any terrorist or any person acting from political damage.


1. In case of any damage, Claims shall be made through E-Courier, stating the full details of the claim.

2. The claim has to be verified by E-Courier first, prior to be sent to SKICL and CA for settlement.

3. There is no revenue sharing applicable for this project. Customer will pay premium for each and every package, which shall be paid to the insurance company for issue coverage and undertake the risk. Carnival Assure will work as an intermediary between the insurance company and E-Courier to assist in issuing of policies in due time.

E-Courier must provide the following information to the insurance company:

a. During booking by individual Customer:

– Type of Goods

– Value of Goods

– Pick Up Point

– Delivery Address

b. Once the package is received by E-Courier, additional information must be provided to insurer:

– Pick Up Point Time and Location:

– Time and Location of intermediary storage prior to initiating delivery

– Copy of bill of booking with third party logistic company or such details

– Time and location of intermediary storage prior to completing delivery

– Time of Pickup for delivery to destination

– Time of delivery at destination

The premium will be calculated at the point where an individual makes booking with E-Courier and selects insurance coverage by declaring the type of goods and the value of the good. Customer will pay the premium at the time of booking with E-Courier. E-Courier will maintain an advance balance with Insurer to adjust premium for each booking. E-Courier shall provide real-time information of each booking.

• For Mobile Phones, there is a 1% deductible for each claim. That is if a Phone of Value Tk 10,000 is insured, during claim; the insurance company will deduct Tk 100 from the total settlement amount (insurance company will pay maximum Tk 9,900).

• Subject to declaring the parcel value and paying additional fee, Sender can avail insurance coverage for the parcel.

• In case the Sender does not avail any insurance coverage, Xtree’s liability arising out of any loss of or damage to any parcel shall be lower of the invoice amount or Tk 500.

*Tk 50 as stamp duty for each and every insured package will be applicable.

Prohibited Items

(E courier specific) Bulky items including (but not limited to) dumbbells, weights, packets of rice over ….kg Unprotected glass items including (but not limited to) bottles and containers of any kind. Each glass item should be wrapped in bubble wrap and over packed in a protective hard box.

  • Poisonous or Toxic Substances
  • Firearms or Swords
  • Religious Artifacts (coffin & others)
  • Cash, Cheques, Bills, Stocks, and other Marketable Securities
  • Living Plants
  • Living Things
  • Credit Cards or ATM cards
  • Perishables such as Vegetables, Fruits, etc.
  • Passports and Insurance Documents which cannot be reproduced
  • Flammable, Ignitable or Volatile Items such as Fireworks, Kerosene, Gas Canisters or Paint Thinner

Packaging Guidelines

External packaging
All parcels must have external packaging that covers 100% of exposed area. (e.g., carton box or protected bag). Otherwise, please shrink-wrap or bubble-wrap the entire package.

Fragile items
All fragile items must be labelled with a fragile sticker.

Tracking label
Each parcel must have a unique tracking label. Need to print from booking portal.

Internal packaging
Package should be packed tightly and snugly. If not, please fill up the empty spaces in-between (with cardboard, packing foam, etc.)

Empty areas
All packaging must be tight and snug. If not, please fill with filling materials. (e.g., bubble wrap)

Ensure all pieces of clothing are neatly folded and packed to minimize crumpling or wrinkling during the delivery process.

Electronic devices
Ensure that all electronic devices are powered off, and batteries should be removed from devices if possible.

Irregular package
Place irregular sized items in a large box. Package should be packed tightly and snugly. If not, please fill up the empty spaces in-between. (With paper, bubble wrap, etc.)

Transport handling
Parcels should be able to withstand normal impact of transport handling. For parcels with sensitive exteriors (e.g., gift boxes), ensure they are shrinking or bubble-wrapped and packed in a cardboard box.

Address label
Ensure that your exterior or packaging does not have any old addresses or tracking labels.

Return and Refund Policy of Xtree

For cancelled orders inside Dhaka, products will be returned to merchant within 2 working days.
For cancelled orders outside Dhaka, products will be returned to merchant within 5 working days.
Return charges may be applicable for both delivered and undelivered products for both inside and outside Dhaka.
The return charges shall be same as the delivery charge.

Refund request will only be entertained where the merchant has paid in advanced to Xtree and Xtree willingly or unwillingly refuse to deliver products upon certain criteria. Merchant can claim for refund for the portion of service not provided by Xtree. All refund and product return requests must be sent by email to support@xtreebd.com. The product will be returned within 15 days from date of email. Merchants are responsible for paying for all shipping costs for returned item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you asked for a refund, the cost of any return shipping will be deducted from actual amount.

Xtree will start processing the refund upon verifying and accepting valid return requirements. Subject to satisfactory verification, refund will be completed within 15 working days.

Xtree will adjust all shipping charges, services charges, transaction fees and other charges from the original amount of merchants. After adjustment partial payments will be processed via bank or MFS to the designated bank accounts or MFS wallets of the merchants.